Single Bite Of Memories
Selasa, 29 April 2014
She looked at him like he put the stars in her sky. He looked at her, like she was nothing. She waited for years and he never realized. She gave up, and now he hold her and ask her not to leave. She cries don't know what to do. But it's all too late. She has already broken
Rabu, 08 Januari 2014
Broke down
Sometimes there are days when all those love turn into hates
Happiness broke down
Hearts broken
Laughter turns into tears
And moments become memories
Person we love, gone
Things we don't wanna forget, disappear
Things we hate, we have to accept
Because life has never been easy, it has never been fair
Sometimes things we want is not the right thing
Things we need and we want is different things
And we have to do what's best even if it's all hurt
Because instead of seeing the one we love hurt, we'd rather hurt ourselves
Even we have to sacrifice ourselves
I don't know what to do.
Cause people around me who always make jokes about us sometimes. Friends who always judge us. I'm fine. But I don't want you to get hurt.
So maybe we just have to wait
Give it a little time
A little break for our thoughts
A chance and some change
But I wish you understand
I don't wanna forget everything we've done.
And all those plans we made, I hope you won't forget.
Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013
I'm confused
Between telling the truth
Or hiding it
I'm scared
To tell the truth
But I'm tired of getting hurt
I said I'm lonely and sometimes I got bored of waiting
And you seems like angry or mad
Like I always ask you to accompany me
I only asked you once
And you act like I always do that
Then I said it's okay
Then you mad and said I always fake the smile
There.. You know I fake this smile
So why don't you try something to make the real one?
I never complained about how least you take care of me
I never complained of how busy you are of yourself than to make time for me
You promised me the world
But give me nothing
You tell me you loved me
But never prove me
Oh I see
Because you don't care about me at all, right ?
But it's enough
Cause now I'm confused
Don't know what to do
Cause I love you too much
But you hurt me so much
Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013
Oct 22nd , 20.02 PM
Idk what to say .-. Confused from where I should start it all
I just feel confused and sad
I mean..
People say if someone really care about you they'll always make time for you
But some people say that there's no perfect love, but there's always someone who's perfect for you
"Just because someone can't love you that way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they have"
I always think like that. Cause I know I can't love him perfectly the way he wants me to.
But I just don't get it
He always cancel our date hahaha
And he likes to break his promises. I know it's just a promise, a little one
No big deal
But it's matter for me
At first it's all okay.
But.. Day by day, it's getting worse.
Sometimes I think that's he's just busy
I'm not supposed to be selfish. Ask for more. Or even mad, cause it'll hurt him
But I'm dying. Cause it's fucking hurt
Almost every night I feel the pain
But back at my point, I'm not supposed to ask for more, maybe he's just busy... Super busy :')
Hah. In not supposed to say this
Or even think
Or write this down
But may I say something?
Is it my fault for always waiting for you? Stay up all night and don't mind to got sick even tired in the morning waiting for you?
Is it my fault waiting for you? Cause only at night you have just a 'little' time for me
Am I wrong to be clingy, naughty or selfish just to get your attention? Your little, just a little care from you?
Cause Idk if you ever really care.
I mean.. Is that really 'love' that you have for me?
Or just an illusion ?
Cause what I know -- and what people always told me -- that if he really cares. He won't ignore you
He never say 'hi' even in real life, it's okay
He never really ask me to go out with him without canceling it :') is it so hard? HAHA
Funny how the one I never expected to be there was the one who always give me attention. Who care about me and accompany me, when you should be the one who do that
Funny you never talked about our relationship. Maybe you feel ashamed? Idk
Funny how I have to pretend like there's nothing between us
Well it's not your fault exactly, in the one who never being honest and tell you everything I hide inside
I just don't wanna hurt you
But for once. Really just for once, may I act a little selfish and cry?
Ask for your attention.
Cause I'm losing control now
How if you're the one who my friends always talked about? They laugh at you and all I say was just " be patient dear"
How if i ignore you the way you ignore me?
How if we switched position?
What would you do?
Tell me
"Cause I'm dying to know is it killing you like it's killing me?"
Well i guess It's okay now
I'm used to it
I really do.. I used to be ignored and dumped
Even now with the one I really care about
The one I thought would never do that
But I feel that way
Sorry. In clingy, selfish, childish, annoys you ad disturbing.
It's not your fault
Maybe it's mine for expecting too much
Sorrysorrysorry but I'm tired
It's enough ;")
Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013
04.20 AM
It's 04.20 am.
And here I am, can't sleep of this pain. Got sick in the middle of this full-of-exam-week. Sucks
Well, I'm listening to Clarity by Zedd
"If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy ? If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?"
Yeah. Makes me wonder about everything we've been trough.
How we started talking. How we met. How you asked for my number, we started to know each other. We started it all as friendship, into something bigger and deeper.
We fell, we fight, we argue, we cry and we laugh. We kissed and cuddle in the middle of the cinema.
Funny how fast it happened
It's been months since how that "story" happened. I chose you. And you never make me regret it. Not even once.
"Everybody needs somebody to love and I Choose you"
Yap! I chose you and I wish you never regret your choice when you said you want me.
Sometimes I feel like you don't really care but then I realize that you care about me more than anyone. You are my clingy-naughty-weird-cute-funny little boy I met, accidentally. Fate.. maybe. I was craving for someone's attention and you were having a relationship with you ex
When suddenly everything has changed.
The minute when we both thinking the same thought ; "Hopeless"
"We found love in a hopeless place"
Maybe that's right, we don't know how one thing, one person and one moment. One place could bring us to another chance, another change, another story and another hope. How fate bring me to you.
How God works in a funny way.
You're weird. But I love you
I love how we talked about nothing, every little thing, how silly we could be. How awkward and how we take care of each other.
I hope we would lasts. Not for a year, 10 years or else
But forever.
We would wipe each other's tears , take care of each other. Picking up every broken glasses and mess we make.
I don't mind spending my whole life with you.
And I know we could lasts.
Oh one thing.. Pstt.. You are my first love and I know you're my last <3
I hope I could be your first love , well I know it doesn't matter. But I just wanna be your first. Idk why. Lol ;p
04.41 am.
Just wanna say one more thing before I sleep;
Senin, 07 Oktober 2013
i'm tired too
I never blame you.
for not really care
nor if you never really care at all.
sometimes you get mad and tired of my act and my attitude
I know, I am sorry. I really do
I don't want you to get worry, to get sick of me
to hate me, or tired of me.
but sometimes I just need your attention
I understand if you're busy.
I know you have problems with your parents, friends or you school's subjects
I understand you're tired too
I know.
but at least give me 10 minutes of your day, just to ask me like..
"how's your day?" or just say a little sweet words to cheer me up
I never ask you to give me flowers, presents or too much of your time
or, have I?
sometimes you're just too busy with all of your stuff and yourself
am I disturbing?
just 5 minutes to tell me something so I don't have to go miserable, waiting like a fool
is it so hard for you?
your friends judge me, hate me and talk about me.
I don't even know them
you saw it in your social media, you heard it straight ahead in front of your eyes
and you're still.. standing there and just tell me to be patient
I wont ask you to help me or protect me
but every girl in this world want to be protected
want to feel safe, feel loved, feel .. ah idk either
you don't know how it hurts to be a girl
think that everything in me just never good enough
that your friends hate me so much
and make me think of us is never enough.
I always tell myself to be not so clingy, not to cry, to be understandable, not to be selfish
I whispered to myself
"maybe he just don't know what to do"
"just because he doesn't act like those men in the movie, or love me the way I want him to. doesn't mean he doesn't love me"
but somehow
it hurts..
you even willing to fight with your best friend for your ex, after she hurts you
how about me? don't you ever willing to fight for me in front of them?
i'm breaking. i'm going down. i'm dying.
but you don't know
how if..
how if you just never care?
how if you laugh at everything they say about me?
why don't you at least say something?
even when you're busy, at least be here, 5minutes for me when i'm crying
when I need you the most.
do I have to ask you to do that? don't you have any brain or heart to think? to feel?
I know you're busy but if you really care about someone, you'll always make time for them.. right?
and if you never give me anything just to make me believe.. how can I believe?
I understand if you're too busy to call
too busy to go out with me
too busy to talk to me
too busy to give me a certainty about our relationship
feel a shame of me
too busy to care.
but one day when it's my turn to stop loving you
would you understand? :")
because dear.. i'm tired too
I don't even know what i'm writing about, what i'm doing and what i'm crying for
i don't even know what to write, to say or to feel anymore
i'm just tired
hoping that you' understand that i'm a girl too, i have problems too, i have feelings, i get tired, want to feel safe, be protected, feel special and maybe just... ah, i really don't know
it just hurts
for not really care
nor if you never really care at all.
sometimes you get mad and tired of my act and my attitude
I know, I am sorry. I really do
I don't want you to get worry, to get sick of me
to hate me, or tired of me.
but sometimes I just need your attention
I understand if you're busy.
I know you have problems with your parents, friends or you school's subjects
I understand you're tired too
I know.
but at least give me 10 minutes of your day, just to ask me like..
"how's your day?" or just say a little sweet words to cheer me up
I never ask you to give me flowers, presents or too much of your time
or, have I?
sometimes you're just too busy with all of your stuff and yourself
am I disturbing?
just 5 minutes to tell me something so I don't have to go miserable, waiting like a fool
is it so hard for you?
your friends judge me, hate me and talk about me.
I don't even know them
you saw it in your social media, you heard it straight ahead in front of your eyes
and you're still.. standing there and just tell me to be patient
I wont ask you to help me or protect me
but every girl in this world want to be protected
want to feel safe, feel loved, feel .. ah idk either
you don't know how it hurts to be a girl
think that everything in me just never good enough
that your friends hate me so much
and make me think of us is never enough.
I always tell myself to be not so clingy, not to cry, to be understandable, not to be selfish
I whispered to myself
"maybe he just don't know what to do"
"just because he doesn't act like those men in the movie, or love me the way I want him to. doesn't mean he doesn't love me"
but somehow
it hurts..
you even willing to fight with your best friend for your ex, after she hurts you
how about me? don't you ever willing to fight for me in front of them?
i'm breaking. i'm going down. i'm dying.
but you don't know
how if..
how if you just never care?
how if you laugh at everything they say about me?
why don't you at least say something?
even when you're busy, at least be here, 5minutes for me when i'm crying
when I need you the most.
do I have to ask you to do that? don't you have any brain or heart to think? to feel?
I know you're busy but if you really care about someone, you'll always make time for them.. right?
and if you never give me anything just to make me believe.. how can I believe?
I understand if you're too busy to call
too busy to go out with me
too busy to talk to me
too busy to give me a certainty about our relationship
feel a shame of me
too busy to care.
but one day when it's my turn to stop loving you
would you understand? :")
because dear.. i'm tired too
I don't even know what i'm writing about, what i'm doing and what i'm crying for
i don't even know what to write, to say or to feel anymore
i'm just tired
hoping that you' understand that i'm a girl too, i have problems too, i have feelings, i get tired, want to feel safe, be protected, feel special and maybe just... ah, i really don't know
it just hurts
Senin, 09 September 2013
Stay Stay Stay - Taylor Swift

I'm pretty sure we almost broke up last night
I threw my phone across the room at you
I was expecting some dramatic turn away but you stayed
This morning I said we should talk about it
Cause I read you should never leave a fight unresolved
That's when you came in wearing a football helmet
And said okay let's talk
And I said...
Stay stay stay I've been loving you for quite some time time time
You think that it's funny when i'm mad mad mad
But I think that it's best if we both stay
Before you I only dated self indulgent takers who took all of their problems out on me
But you carry my groceries and now i'm always laughing
And I love you because you have given me no choice but to
Stay stay stay I've been loving you for quite some time time time
You think that it's funny when i'm mad mad mad
But I think that it's best if we both stay stay stay stay
You took the time to memorize me my fears my hopes and dreams
I just like hanging out with you all the time
All those times that you didn't leave it's been occuring to me I would like to hang out with you for my whole life
Stay and I'll be loving you for quite some time
No one else is gonna love me when I get mad mad mad
So I think that it's best if we both stay stay stay stay
Stay stay stay i've been loving you for quite some time time time
You think that it's funny when i'm mad mad mad
But I think that it's best if we both stay stay stay stay
Stay stay stay I've been loving you for quite some time time time
You think that it's funny when i'm mad mad mad
But I think that it's best if we both stay
girlie things,
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